• Polski
  • English
  • fot. Tomasz Kaczor

    KAROLINA CICHA – singer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, One-woman-orchestra. She is fascinated with the traditional music of the ethnic minorities of the north-eastern Poland. Karolina’s specialty is performing with a few musical instruments at the same time: she sings, plays the accordion and keyboard, while her feet are busy playing the drums. In 2015, she was was in Official Selection of WOMEX, the biggest World Music festival worldwide. Playing her music, she has visited a dozen or so festivals held in Europe, Asia and America.

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    Upcoming concerts

    20 IIIBielsko Biała
    Sala Koncertowa ZPSM w Bielsku BIałej

    Cicha & Spółka: Koncert Tatarski / godz. 18:00



    Sira sira – a Tatar song from SAD album
    Tatar Concert – Cicha & Company ‘Tipir’
    Cicha & Company + Augsburger Philharmoniker
    Tatar song at RUDOLSTADT festival
    TATAR ALBUM official video ‘Kirfiklere’
    Karaim Music Map at FORDE festival


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    Cicha returns to WOMEX 9 years after performing at Official Selection in Budapest.

    In 2015, Cicha and Bart Pałyga presented the ‘9 Languages’ concert dedicated to the minorities of north-eastern Poland. This time in Manchester Cicha was part of the official delegation of the Polish Stand of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute. It was interesting to get to know Womex from the networking, organizational and social side, to talk … Continue reading “Cicha returns to WOMEX 9 years after performing at Official Selection in Budapest.”

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    ‘Karaim Music Map’ III Prize in Radio Folk Culture Center Contest

    There has never been such a situation in the history of phonographic competitions at Polish Radio, for one album to receive an award in both competitions at the same time.” – we read on the website of the Radio Folk Culture Center. Karaim Music Map is awarded the third prize not only in the Folk … Continue reading “‘Karaim Music Map’ III Prize in Radio Folk Culture Center Contest”

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    Karolina Cicha, one of the most interesting and versatile musicians on the Polish folk scene

    Simon Broughton’s reviev on Mikołajki Folkowe Festival in Songliness magazine

    Booking / Rezerwacja koncertów:

    Karolina Cicha
    +48 505 539 120

    Ewelina Krawczyk “Się tworzy”
    +48 662 941 946


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